The Forward Monkey

I was waiting for a phone call today and it never came. Did they finally get my EKG signed? One thing like a signature is enough to get the whole request denied. No loose ends. Everything is accounted for.

Really I hope this is a good sign that things are moving alongwith no issues. Once it is approved, I will meet with the surgeon and plan a surgery date. I hope that this goes quickly.

Changing over to a healthier diet that is calorie deficient is hard right now. I am trying different food combinations So that I can hit the protien goals. It is very important because I don’t want to lose hair. I just tell myself that while it is hard now, my stomach will be smaller. I will be full faster. That is the plan. It is good to get started early.

Several people have aslead me if this is really a good choice but they don’t see the struggers I have endured to get to this point. Nothing is going to stand in my way now.

The Monkey Dog

My frustrations with myself, my dog, and the world finally exploded. I get out of breath walking to the kitchen. the dog is a 4am to 11 pm piece of work. My personal would is super boring, but the world is full of excitement and fury.

I have allowed myself the space to change my expectations of MYSELF. I can walk to the kitchen slowly. Medically we are at the pre-surgery stage and my body can only do what it has the ability to do. I have tried every method of losing weight. I don’t want to be skinny, I want to be able to walk up the stairs without needing water.

PhlapJak is a puppy. Four or five months old and he is learning about his world with the tools he has been given. He daily tests limits to see where we will draw the line. That is why even on the rough days I give him my time.

Obviously, I cannot fix the world’s problems. I am a part of the world so I can change my own perspective and then change is made and used as an example to those around us.

Learning how to deal with the issues that I have control over is scary because that means I have to challenge myself. Those are the very things that make the growth happen.

Let’s Grow!