Monkey Sleeps Tonight


It can be a struggle with this scar on the back of my head.  Sometimes, something touches a certain part of the scar and my head hurts in a special, angry nerve kind of way.

I have spent many hours configuring pillows trying to get good sleep.  Every morning my neck began to hurt worse and worse.  So last night I went shopping.


Got this memory foam, contoured pillow by Dream Serene.  I love it so far.  I woke up fairly limber and I slept through the night.  No adjusting.  Just sleeping.

I am still looking for pillows that support well so I can sit up more comfortably.  I will review those when I have a chance.  Maybe Dream Serene has a bolster.  Gonna look tonight.

Everyone has to find what works for them. I am not a doctor nor a sales person.  Just a consumer letting you know what helps me. 

I wouldn’t recommend buying too much before surgery because you never know what specific thing you might need for your recovery.  Everyone is different.   I wish I had known that I needed to buy stock in Sonic ice and ginger ale. 

I am still in bed for at least 18 hours a day.  You might be too if you heal slowly or have a complication.  Try to be comfortable within reason.

Pillows can be expensive, so make sure to find a sale or a coupon.  Or, if people are asking what you need, TELL THEM.  They are asking to help.  Give them your coupon.

Rest well.

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