Monkey Problems Disappear

Life has been hectic. The holiday season brought all kinds of work to do and my doctors visits were getting out of hand. 5 visits 4 days a week, and any special appointments on top of that made it difficult to do anything but sleep and prep for the next visit. On days I didn’t have appointments I had dance class and I have a home routine for physical therapy twice a day. Plus a walk to get my blood flowing. And boiling eggs so I could take another new medicine.

Now, I have thinned out my appointments, but I still have physical therapy twice a day and dance, and class at church has started back. So, I am reading through about Solomon and his achievements to make a study for class for Ecclesiastes. This is so difficult now. I did not appreciate how easy it was for me to put together a study. Now, I am a stuck slogging through, but I will get it done.

I find myself with moments of time that I know I can find a better use for, but I keep wanting to go to sleep. These headaches make it almost impossible to see and even understand what I am doing. So, maybe tonight I will listen to the Bible instead.

I have found that my energy level changes drastically with the weather, with my hormones, if I am sick. Do NOT feel bad about taking time out of life to care for yourself. I think that it’s like the oxygen masks on a plane.  You put yours on first and THEN help others.  At first I had to learn how to not see it as a “problem” that I was causing or needed to be solved.  Some days I am able to do more.

On days where the couch is my home, it is because I am resting my tired body.  I am not being a problem by not helping around the house.  I am staying out of everyone’s way and not knocking things over.  I am giving myself the rest it needs to do a good job when
I am able.

Once it isn’t a “problem” then I have nothing to feel bad about.  I just have to listen to my body, like everyone else does!  My body happens to take more naps than the average body similar to my own.  I have taken four naps in one day, but the sky is the limit.  Beat my nap-time score if your body needs the rest and be proud that you finally learned how to take care of yourself!!!